Bear Tales

A few weeks ago (February 2011) I stumbled across a review of Alaska Bear Tales on Since the lady gave the book one star and said it was “one of the worst books on bears ever written,” I wondered about her rationale and read the review.

Some time after I read the review, I briefly reviewed my bear attack files and listed but a few situations involving bears attacking people…to the best of my knowledge, unprovoked. I sent an email to the lady in Hawaii suggesting I was happy for her success and safety among the Katmai bears and offered to send her a list of people who were not so fortunate. I’ve not heard from her but summarized the list below:

Black bear incidents:

Date Event

1963-1985 4 bears entered tents

1992-2010 7 entered houses

1949-2006 7 walking, hiking, jogging, biking

1991 2 Juneau ladies on subdivision sidewalks

1994 & 2002 2 infants snatched by bears

1991-1994 3 attacks upon workmen

1943, 1994, 1997 3 attacks upon swimmers

1960-2006 8 predatory, 4 fatal


Brown/grizzly incidents:

1972-2008 12 entered tents (4 fatalities)

Canadian college student killed bear in his house

1982-2007 5 camping

1949-2005 7 walking, hiking, jogging, biking

1988-2008 6 carrying or working on game animals

1950’s-2008 4 in villages

1961-1973 2 pulled men from trees

1953-1997 5 people working or picking berries

1958-1996 7 predatory


Polar incidents:

1970s-1993 2 job site

1990 1 village fatality

1994 2 Anchorage zoo (Binky in July and in September)

Man in the mask…

Two guys dialoging:

“So, who is that man with the mask?”
“You don’t know?”
“Why, that’s Big Nasty.”
“Who’s Big Nasty?”
“You don’t know who Big Nasty is?”
“Big Nasty is the masked man.”